In today's rapidly advancing technological landscape, millions of smartphones, laptops, and various gadgets find their way into landfills, contributing significantly to the global e-waste crisis. At PTS Corp, we're at the forefront of a revolutionary approach to waste control, reshaping the narrative surrounding electronic waste management.


Our practices are rooted in a commitment to rescue as many devices as possible from the impending fate of landfills. Discarded electronics, often containing hazardous materials like lead, mercury, and cadmium, pose severe threats to the environment and public health when not handled properly. Recognizing this, PTS Corp has undertaken a journey to assess, repair, and prepare devices, including smartphones, laptops, and tablets, for reintegration into the market whenever feasible.


The implications of our practices extend far beyond waste reduction. By diverting these devices from landfills, we contribute to the conservation of natural resources, reduction of pollution, and lowering greenhouse gas emissions associated with electronic device production. Our dedication to extending the lifespan of gadgets not only lessens the environmental impact of e-waste but also makes technology more accessible and affordable for everyone.

By providing refurbished devices at a lower price, PTS Corp not only takes a significant step in reducing the strain on the planet but also contributes to making technology more accessible to a wider population of consumers. This approach aligns with our commitment to sustainability and inclusivity. As we extend the lifespan of these gadgets through meticulous assessment and repair, we ensure that individuals from diverse backgrounds can access reliable and affordable technology. In doing so, we bridge the digital divide, opening doors to education, communication, and opportunities that may have otherwise been out of reach. Our focus on offering refurbished devices not only aligns with environmental conservation goals but also reflects our dedication to creating a more equitable and technologically inclusive world.

PTS Corp is not just managing waste; we are pioneering a sustainable and impactful approach that aligns with our vision for a greener, cleaner future. Join us on this journey towards a more sustainable tomorrow, one device at a time.

In today’s fast-changing supply chain landscape, Third-Party Logistics (3PL) providers are becoming essential partners for businesses aiming to streamline operations, cut costs, and boost efficiency. As economic conditions shift, understanding the added value of 3PL services becomes crucial for maintaining a competitive edge.

Gone are the days when third-party logistics was just about warehousing and transportation. Modern 3PL providers offer a range of added-value services, including packaging, assembly, labeling, quality control, and reverse logistics. These services allow businesses to focus on their core functions while experts handle the complex logistics tasks.

Key Trends Shaping the Future of 3PL Services

The recent economic shifts, such as those driven by the pandemic, have highlighted the adaptability of the 3PL industry. Companies are increasingly seeking comprehensive 3PL solutions to stay competitive. Key trends shaping this evolution include:

The Benefits of Comprehensive Third-Party Logistics for Your Business

Embracing added-value 3PL services not only helps businesses adapt to economic changes but also positions them for long-term success. Partnering with a versatile 3PL provider can transform your logistics strategy and drive growth.

Ready to enhance your logistics with added-value services? Sign up for a preliminary consultation with one of our experts today!

Learn more about PTS Corp and how we can help streamline your operations and increase ROI.

Optimal Recovery

A recent survey by the National Retail Federation and Appriss Retail showed that average return rates at the end of 2022 have remained at 16.5%, compared to 16.6% in 2021, when Covid 19 safety measures were still front and center and online shopping was at an all time high. As consumer returns rates continue to rise, managing returns can no longer be a part time effort. High-tech manufacturers without a well-developed reverse logistics process could be losing more than 50% of returned inventory value, according to a recent UPS Report.

Within an ever-expanding world of e-commerce, the demand for customer return has become an integral part of every day business operations. With PTS Corp, we are able to generate controlled methods within your eco-system of returns to supply optimal recovery of products.

Reduce Overspend

Cost-free returns for customers does not equate to cost-free returns for the company. Inefficient returns processes have been shown to reduce profit by up to 30%. Our team of experts can outline tactical recovery plans to reduce your overspend and cut unnecessary costs that effect your bottom line.

Increase Velocity

The speed at which returns are managed has a great impact on the ROI of a company as a whole. PTS is determined to increase your return rate and throughput in order to keep company turnaround times within the goals of your business.

Forecast-Driven Outcomes

Creating predictable outcomes within your business means planning for exceptions and having processes in place for handling less likely events. The experts at PTS Corp will put structures in places to plan for these infrequent, but likely outcomes.

Ready to see what the 5S system can do to improve your business? Sign up for a preliminary consultation with one of our experts today!

Learn more about PTS Corp and how we can help streamline your operations and increase ROI.